Report of April 4

Volcano Usu erupts intermittently.

The Volcano-bay
When PC Aid Crew were installing PCs, Volcano Usu erupted again.

Reportedly the volcanic ash didn't fall heavily.
Here is the report of Touya Junior High School.
We have fairly big eruption now.
It is right behind Touyako Onsen ( a hot-bath resort).

We smell of sulfur here at Touya-mura today.

Everyone has evacuated from Yabuta
This picture is offered by Mr. Fuji

News at Hanawa Refuge!!

What's going on at the Center House Refuge, Nakatoya Camp Site

The entrance ceremony will be held on April 6

at Kubouchi primary school and

on April 7 at Kubouchi junior high school respectively.
All evacuees at both Kubouchi primary and junior high school have moved to the AIDC (Agricultural Improvement and Dissemination Center)

PC connected at Oshamanbe Refuge!!
O.P.A in full action!!

Toyoura moves on!!
Let's make a playground for kids

PC Aid Crew Made Debut!!